The Anti-Counterfeiting Educational Foundation, Inc. (ACEF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation designated by the IRS as a public charity. It operates as an independent organization with an elected Board of Directors providing administrative oversight and assistance with fund-raising needed to support the foundation’s efforts to raise awareness of the spread of counterfeit numismatic items as well as fake bullion coins and paper money being sold and distributed primarily online.
Since its founding in 2017 as a task force and transition to a non-profit foundation in 2018, ACEF’s primary mission has been to mobilize law enforcement resources to protect the integrity of U.S. and world coinage by educating policymakers on the economic impact and growing threat of counterfeit circulating, collectible, and bullion coins. That effort has included educating, training, and assisting law enforcement at all levels to attack counterfeiters where they are most vulnerable, and to provide expertise and other resources in the investigation and prosecution of counterfeiters and those involved at all levels of their distribution networks.
On the federal level ACEF has assisted with the removal of millions of dollars’ worth of counterfeit coins and precious metals from the U.S. marketplace through its working relationships with the U.S. Treasury Office of Inspector General, the U.S. Secret Service, and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Service.
In order to make the public aware of the deceptive nature of counterfeit coins and other fake numismatic collectibles flowing into the United State from outside our borders via the Internet on major e-commerce and social media platforms, ACEF provides educational programs in traditional venues such as coin shows. It also endeavors to reach more casual collectors and investors through social media.
As a service to the public, ACEF maintains a robust website at that includes a Trusted Experts Directory through which the public can locate nearby professional numismatic dealers who have been in business for at least 10 years and who have earned a reputation for being trustworthy and dealing equitably – whether buying or selling.
ACEF’s work and projects are funded entirely by donations.